
Offering is an important part of our worship to God. As God has blessed us each week, we set aside a “fitting proportion of our time, talents and money for the church’s work in the world.”

As we are not meeting together yet for public worship, the committee have organised an evening to bring our FWO envelopes to the church building at the end of July.  The Church will be open on 29th July from 8 – 9 p.m. for anyone wishing to leave in FWO.

Other options include using a Standing Order or making a direct payment using Online Banking which avoid using cash. It is important that you use your FWO number in the reference or let the treasurer know that you have made a payment. The details are provided in the form below.

Many thanks for your ongoing support of the gospel witness in Carnlough and beyond.

Church Offering by Standing Order or Online Banking

Carnlough Presbyterian Church

Bank details required to set up a Standing Order.

Bank:  Danske Bank

Bank Address: 1-2 Broadway, Ballymena

Account Name: Carnlough Presbyterian Church

Sort Code:  95 02 31

Account No: 00111457

Please ensure when you are setting up the standing order you include your FWO No. (name optional) in the payment reference.